While digital stands to surpass TV as the No. 1 advertising spending medium in 2017, that doesn’t mean that there’s no room for print in your overall marketing strategy. Depending on your target market and what product or service you provide, you may find one medium to be more appropriate than another. Print is here to stay. Even so, the trends suggest that there are positive and negative things in store for print advertising next year, and it pays to know what they are since they could factor into your ad spending strategy. Read on to learn about print advertising trends for 2017 so that you can plan accordingly. Print Ad Spending Drop If you thought that the print ad spending decline had perhaps bottomed out, you would be mistaken. Predictions are calling for further declines in print ad spending next year — perhaps a more pronounced drop than this year. PricewaterhouseCoopers, meanwhile, says that the print advertising market worldwide is projected to fall through 2019. However, despite these declines and the growing competition from digital media, there is still a large print market, says a study from McKinsey & Co. Print Will Endure Although the trend is towards leaning on technology to create immersive experiences, print will continue to play an important role in advertising. The reason for this is that print has that personal impact that people can touch and feel. When paper and ink come together in a powerful way, the end result is print advertising that resembles fine art. In fact, the Columbia Journalism Review refers to print ads as the “new ‘new media’” Storytelling In 2017, storytelling will play a bigger role in content marketing, and this will involve not only digital, but also print. The idea of “build it and they will come” isn’t…

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8 Feb 2016
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4 Brilliant Print Ads

Each year, advertising agencies from all over the world produce stunning and compelling advertisements for their clients. Print advertising is a unique medium that requires a high level of creativity and the ability to say a lot with very few words. Creative agencies bring design, photography, and copywriting together to articulate their brand’s core values, product benefits, and tap into the emotions of their audiences. Here are 4 brilliant print ads that deserve a second look. Hopefully, they can provide you with some inspiration in creating your own powerful ads. Volkswagen Adventures The renowned automobile manufacturer produced some of the most brilliant ads when it decided to emphasize the superior performance of its vehicles. But rather than simply state facts and figures, they decided to take a simple object, the car key, and use it to represent the possibilities of travel and exploration that their cars provide. Designed by Below, Volkswagen’s advertising agency, the ads transform the typical grooves on…

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