Guerrilla Marketing Campaigns take consumers by surprise, make a strong statement and are memorable. They are also extremely fun, have a high return on investment and represent brands in an exceptionally positive light. Grassroots has been in the guerrilla marketing business for over 35 years, so we’ve rolled out numerous outstanding and timeless campaigns. Here are the top best guerrilla marketing campaigns we have launched. United Way Guerrilla Marketing Campaign   Park benches with branded mats were placed throughout Toronto to raise awareness about local poverty and how several people must use benches as beds.   TIFF/ET Canada Guerrilla Marketing…

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How Guerrilla Ads Can Change Your Business
4 Jan 2016
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How Guerrilla Advertising Can Transform Your Business

The ways in which today’s businesses gain more visibility and new customers continues to evolve. Technology has transformed the way customers interact with your products and services, and businesses who leverage the tools available are most likely to succeed in the long run. Guerilla marketing tactics are an effective way to grow your business with minimal cost, and understanding how guerilla advertising can transform your business will give you a…

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