Benefits Of Using A Flash Mob To Create Brand Awareness

If you’re mulling over different ways to promote your brand, you might want to consider flash mobs. There’s a whole lot of competition out there for the eyes and ears of consumers, so any competitive advantage you can get is worth considering. Flash mobs are composed of groups of people who converge on a specific area and perform some sort of activity, such as a dance routine, in a way that looks spontaneous. Of course, a flash mob requires planning to get it right, preparation to ensure that you have permission to stage a flash mob in the area you…

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Best Flash Mobs Ever
27 Jun 2016
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5 Best Flash Mobs Ever

A flash mob is a large group of people who suddenly appear in a public place, such as a mall, to perform a dance or other type of activity before quickly dispersing. They catch passersby off guard, and can be used as a form of artistic expression, satire, or simply to entertain. Their popularity began to rise via YouTube in 2009, but they still occur quite frequently. The successful ones…

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16 Nov 2015
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A Look At The Benefits Of Flash Mob Marketing

Flash mobs aren’t an extraordinarily recent phenomenon, but they do still have the ability to get people interested, talking, and spreading the message. Unlike classical forms of advertising, flash mob marketing has evolved within recent years as brands use the element of surprise and the power of viral video to capture audiences both offline and online. It’s a form of marketing that involves a group of people appearing from within…

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